Stem stitching...

.... to get back in the groove!!! :)

The letter M.

Morning glories...
I wanted to make them look like the actual morning glories,but at the same time did not want to fill them up.I tried Buttonhole outlining first,but it wasn't satisfactory.So,the next choice was Stem stitch.Fly stitch has been used for vein of the leaves and a lot of straight stitches in the center.

and even a mosquito ;)
He does look a bit dazed with all the attention,doesn't he? My daughter drew this picture when I asked her for something with the letter M. I stitched him using stem stitch,back stitch,a few detached chains,straight stitches and french knots for the eyes

So,that's how I am back in the business!!
Hello my dear readers...this is Deepa of This and random thoughts...waving to you all.Wouldn't you stop by and say a hi? :)

The past days were hectic - There were a few deaths ,unexpected and expected,in the family.That coupled with classes,routine visits to the doctor, lots of medicines and school holidays for daughter made me a busy bee:) I did try to make occasional visits to my fellow blogger's pages to keep myself updated on what's happening around.

Hopefully,my next post wouldn't take another two months!! There are a lot of stitchy stuff I want to share with you :)
Love,luck and sunshine,


  1. Hi Deepa! Hoping you are going well!
    Love that mosquito :))))

  2. I think that mosquito is just trying to decide which one of us to attack first. Or maybe he saw me with the fly swatter?
    Glad you are back, but sorry for your loss.

  3. Hi, Deepa....Hopefully all is well again with you. I love your embroidery, and stem stitches is a very nice stich to useand nice as well to work with. Love the red and the blue flower.
    Welcome back.

  4. The letter M looks very pretty in your stitches...

  5. Hi happy to see you back
    ansu chennai

  6. welcome deepa... love to see your works.... and they are fabulous.....

  7. This night, I shall publish a new post in my blog and shall give your link. Seing it, you will understant why........... REgards!

  8. Hi Deepa... nice to see you hope u r doing good ...
    nice work :)

  9. I liked your 'M' and then the morning glories, but have to say I laughed out loud when I saw your cute little mosquito. He's adorable!

  10. It is nice that you are "up and kicking" again! I look forward to your next embroidery activities.

  11. Hi Deepa, I love the mosquito...makes me think of Sweden...up in the north of Sweden where I am from, we have more mosquitoes than you could ever count in the

    The morning glories are adorable:)

    Thank you for your comment on my blog:) X Ylva

  12. Stem stitch is so versatile, I love the use you make of it.

  13. beautiful.i love the second one very much

  14. I loved the patterns drawn by your daughter and the way you have given life to those little creatures! :)

    Glad to follow you!


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