My Poncho...ta da...

Hi everyone,

The trip to Rome was wonderful except for one incident where a wayfarer ran away from us when we approached her to ask directions. :) The Pizzas were yum and we found Italians to be very friendly - a welcome change ;)  After first couple of days, many of the monuments were a blur, though.

History overload, I guess...

Now for the the lovely Poncho which squeezed out almost every ounce of patience I had..

Here she is...

And I wanted to show it worn too..

The above was my effort at taking selfie. The colors didn't show too well, so the little lady helped me out with the below pic.

I think I can take credit for the pattern because I started visualizing a cowl neck warm Poncho and ended up with a Cowl neck lacy Poncho. So it's a mix of two patterns with additional twists by yours truly.

There was exactly one ball of the above yarn left and with that I made a Cell Cozy. I made two infact. The first one I made and took to the German class to give to a friend, another class mate too wanted one - so I gifted her one too.

This cozy is a quick make and needs barely a little more than half an hour. I made it on a whim and was surprised when my classmates loved it. The pattern is from
 If you scroll down the above link ,the English version of the pattern is available.

 Now I move my focus back to embroidery. I've done some flowers in the jute fabric, but I am not ready to show it yet.

May be in the next post,

Love,luck and sunshine!! (yippee..its warm again)


  1. Wow that's looking perfect Deepa

  2. The poncho looks really nice.. good work!

  3. such a pretty poncho and what a good way to use up left over wool. I enjoyed my visit to Italy many years ago but I went to Sorrento

  4. Your poncho has turned out really well!

  5. What a lovely poncho, I am sure that you will wear it a lot. I think it is the right shape, not too encumbrant but big enough to keep you warm. And the colour is beautiful. I am glad that you enjoyed Rome, next time...Florence!

  6. I like your poncho - it would be lovely over a wedding gown (in different yarn of course). Well done!!

  7. That poncho is a great success!

  8. Love the poncho ! Reminds me of a shell :-) Lovely colourway, too.
    I have mostly pleasant memories of Italy :-)

  9. Your poncho is gorgeous and lovely colours ...Yes the weather is slowly improving . Happy first day of Spring to you ! :)


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