The tale of a crocheted Poncho

I've never worn a Poncho till this point in my life. But now I want to try.

I don't want to buy one. I want to make one..

Thus started the Poncho.. sigh!!!

I started crocheting a V-stitch Poncho. The cowl neck took me three attempts to get right. The term right is relative - to get right means good enough to satisfy me or make me happy. I was so happy with the ribbed cowl neck that I put it on several times just to see myself wearing it - my first ever crocheted cowl neck ,you see :)

Then started the body. I followed the pattern to the 'T'. The pattern had repeated V stitches with the front and back center tip increase. After several rounds, it began to look really like a V.

With every round my apprehension started to grow..the shoulders were slow to increase, but the tip was getting longer and longer. The poncho did look good, but I was afraid - by the time it reached my elbows, the tip would reach my knee. Well, for a tall person, it wouldn't matter - but I didn't want front and back tails. I should've stopped the crocheting then and there.

Did I??

No, I didn't. I tried to adjust because I didn't want all my effort and time go waste. I tried increasing the sides so that it becomes broader and not so stiff. I kept on crocheting more and more rounds hoping it'll look better. But it turned out to be worst - all wavy and twisted...yuck!! 

I've not taken a pic, but believe me - it was bad. 
My daughter probably didn't want to criticize and kept on saying - it looks good, ma.

Finally , after spending so many hours crocheting and being unhappy , I decided to end it..

The yarn too looks tired, doesn't it ? And now, I am trying again..but no more V stitch. I've had enough of it for the time being..

The dream Poncho looks like this now.

My friend who has been following the progress of THE poncho - after seeing, hearing and seeing again the developments- exclaimed -"you could have just bought one!! Crazy!!!"

Well..I think so too..sometimes..

The variegated yarn is a German product from the "Kik" store -It is 45% Cotton as shown in the label.

I love variegated yarns and have always wanted to buy them all when I see them in stores. I grabbed  this one when these appeared in Kik. 
Then I realized that these yarns look good when they are yarns - and may not necessarily look that good when made into a wearable - because of the color changes and stuff.  So, from now on - I'll be in control when I see variegated.

Hopefully, a few more hours of work and my Poncho should be ready to wear. The Fasching holidays begin today and we're off to a trip to Rome tomorrow. Its been a dream to see the Colosseum and the Pantheon.
After the trip, I'll be back with the Poncho and also show you how my jute embroidery looks ...

Love,luck and sunshine..


  1. The new version is certainly looking promising. I hope it continues to go well!

  2. such a shame it did not work well as it looks so good as a small piece but see what you mean about it being too long if you keep going. Really liking the new one you have started on fingers crossed that works out just as you want it to

  3. Sorry to hear the first one wasn't working out as it was looking so good!
    I know what you mean about variegated..... I like it in a ball of wool, but not so much knitted!
    Your second version is looking very great!
    Hope you have a Super time in Rome!
    Barbara x

  4. I am knitting a sweater with variegated wool and I had just the same thought. A good lesson for the future!

  5. I can't count how many things I've done that I knew were not working out and yet I carried on anyway - in a hope that it would somehow come right in the end. Funny how it never does. I like your new version must better so hopefully it works!

  6. Good try dear.. Hope your poncho turns out nice.. All the best!


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