Double colored leaves

I've been trying to vary the colors of the leaves in my latest jute project.

Beginning with two strands of green, I changed to one strand each of the two colors. For the smaller leaf, I stitched only the tip with the golden olive shade. Which colors have you used for double colored leaves - bright yellow? browns?

I will be back after stitching up a few more of these..

Love,luck and sunshine,


  1. looing good, I rather like the varigated threads for leaves depending on the season of year you want you could vary the colours

  2. I haven't stitched leaves much but I like the effect you got mixing the colors. I always look forward to seeing your needlework.
    xx, Carol

  3. Using two colours makes the leaves look so much more realistic. I like this!

  4. I don't think I've ever embroidered on jute before!

  5. Your leaves look really pretty with the two colours. Such an inspiring idea!
    Barbara x


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